Past events

Oct 27 - Oct 27
Giveaway at London MCM ComiCon
On 27th of October we are doing a pro shoot with our new jewelry pieces. These are: 1. Two powerful Geralt of Rivia Rings and White Wolf Ear Studs inspired by Witcher jewelry; 2. Magic Genie Lamp Pendant inspired by Aladdin jewelry; 3. Breaking Bad HazMat Ring and Charm; 4. Two Anime Goku Black Time Rings. And we're going to giveaway one of this amazing items if you're cosplaying one of the characters from TV series and movies listed above and take part in our photoshoot!

May 25
We are going to give away one of the amazing rings from our "Game of Thrones" bespoke jewelry collection. If you are passionate about Game of Thrones, are going to #cosplay one of the main characters of this series or have any other apt costume and want to take awesome professional pictures with our jewelry collection, then you have a chance to get any ring of your choice for free. Instagram @silverlabcreations.